SCP Foundation
Secure, Contain, Protect
Researcher Vines' Personnel File
May we wander, you and I?
Where my true self in gardens' flowers lie.
The warmth I see smiles back,
It has to be, no fear, no lie, no lack.

Name: Violet Vervain Vines
Security Clearance Level: 3
Occupation: Researcher
Current Location: Site 118
Profile: Researcher Vines is a lively one just like all of the plant SCPs he specializes in researching! No matter how tough the job is, he tries his hardest to stay as energetic as possible, lighting up every room he's in. His various co-workers do deeply appreciate this action of Vines. Despite lack of communicating it, various accounts verify this.
Researcher Vines typically works in the botanical department, but he also has enough knowledge on psychology to also work on behavior analysis of some SCPs. Researcher Vines is currently the head researcher of two (2) SCPs at the moment.
It is very difficult to record Researcher Vines. Multiple reports have shown that any device containing content (such as photos, videos, and audio recordings) of Researcher Vines will start to lag and/or start glitching. In much more rare cases, accounts have even reported devices crashing, break, and very rarely can explode. It is not yet known why this happens yet.
History: It is unknown how Researcher Vines caught the attention of the Foundation. Various personnel vaguely remember the week Researcher Vines started working at the Foundation, but most personnel interrogated had various gaps in their memory, leading to most of Site-118 being confused on how Researcher Vines got there. The only two (2) personnel on site that can fully recall the time Researcher Vines got to the Foundation is Researcher Vines himself, and Researcher Talloran. The reason for this, too, is unknown.
Upon looking up files for a “Violet Vervain Vines,” no such results show up. The Foundation has made multiple efforts to try finding out the origins of where Researcher Vines came from, but each attempt failed. The only information of Researcher Vines’ past is of accounts from Researcher Vines himself. When researching all of the people and schools Researcher Vines talks about in his past, no one ever recalls knowing a “Violet Vervain Vines” in the most highest botanical science and psychology classes. The Foundation has since then completely given up on ever trying to learn more about Researcher Vines’ past. Please refrain from asking Researcher Vines more questions in person. It will only make things more confusing.
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My Personal Carrd | https://iloveleafy.carrd.co/ |
My Other Blog! (I don't post much..) | https://www.tumblr.com/vyoleaf |